State-of-the-Art Metal Detection Solution for Compliance with FDA Title 21 CFR 210-211 Requirements
CEIA THS/ PH21 Metal Detection Systems offer detection, construction quality and reliability characteristics that make them the most suitable and effective solution for the automatic elimination of metal contaminants.
FDA 21 Part 11 Compliant
Validation Solutions Available
Continuous Embedded Self-Calibration Control
Continuous embedded self-calibration control for maximum repeatability and performance consistency over time and with environmental changes
Specific signals sent to the metal detector’s transmission and reception chain constantly monitor the detection characteristics, consequently compensating for any variations caused by environmental factors. The result is system stability and constancy in detection performance and product effect neutralization.
Continuous Auto-Test Function Ensuring Maximum Production Safety
Special electronic stimuli are sent to the transmission and reception chain of the THS/PH21 Series Metal Detector, causing variations in the detection signals, which provide checks on detection characteristics. These variations are compared with the reference values stored in the metal detector’s memory at the time of the factory calibration test. This produces an automatic certified check of the system’s sensitivity.
Quality Control Test Samples
We offer samples for quality assurance testing certified in composition, size, and electromagnetic response
New Auto-Learn System
A new Auto-Learn System provides simultaneous maximum sensitivity to all metals starting from a single learning transit. The THS/PH21 Series employs an exclusive Auto-Learn system for pharmaceutical products, which allows optimization of the detection sensitivity to all metals with the maximum speed and precision equivalent to hundreds of conventional learning transits. This results in levels of precision and efficiency never before obtained.
New Diagnostic Tools
The THS/PH21 Series introduces new tools for the installation and maintenance technician to measure the metal detector’s environmental compatibility. Functions that would otherwise have required the intervention of external instrumentation are now implemented in the device’s microcomputer control.
The measurements include general mechanical and electromagnetic environmental compatibility.
Modern, Rugged and User-Friendly Interface
The THS/PH21 Metal Detector Series maintains full compatibility with programming and parameter selection procedures already implemented in earlier versions. In addition, a new organic graphic display with extremely high contrast (13000:1) and a viewing angle up to 180° is included, along with an extended alphanumeric keypad for quick keystrokes.
A new function, simply activated by pressing a dedicated key, allows the most frequently used functions to be directly recalled. The operator can program these functions, which maintain the access protection criteria according to FDA Title 21 Part 11 requirements.
Ejection System Specifications
Maintenance is fast and does not require using tools to assemble or disassemble the components.
Bluetooth® Connectivity
In the THS/PH21 Series, local connection to the maintenance technician’s computer no longer requires physical access to the interior of the detector or the use of unwieldy connection cables. The Bluetooth connection can be used for programming, monitoring of the signals via the CEIA MD-Scope program and the transfer of the data contained in the Metal Detector’s events memory.
Sophisticated Network Communication Capabilities
The THS/PH21 Metal Detector Series can be linked to an Ethernet network [optional module required, part # 571941. In association with the THS Production Plus Software it enables remote management of production, collection of all technical and operational events, generation of statistical and traceability reports in compliance with FDA 21 CFR part 11 requirements.
IXC Module Features
Software Diagnostic Package complete with connector cable and hardware key:
Ultra High Sensitivity Metal Detector
High Sensitivity Metal Detector
Dust Tight Pharmaceutical Metal Detection System
Dust-tight transit pipe and ejection system prevent dispersion of the product.
Wash-in-Place Pharmaceutical Metal Detection System
A special built-in washing system allows the conduit to be cleaned completely after the completion of each production batch.
Specific inspection against tiny metal particle contamination
Mechanical Data
Integrated Systems for Granular, Liquid and Powder Products
Integrated System for Granular and Powder Products
The ejection system is fitted with an innovative deflector that features quick response, precise ejection of the contaminated product, and a high production flow rate
Dimensions (mm)
THS/FFV 21 series
Large Aperture Integrated System for Granular and Powder Products
THS/PLV 21 series
Integrated System for Liquid and Viscous Products
For more information, please email us at [email protected]